Back in the late 90's early 2000's, I used to work for a big box electronics store, as a salesperson in the computer department, and I saw all sorts of craziness from customers there.
Now this would not have made the list if I had not heard this same idea from several customers while working for the store, and several years later while working for a small IT shop.
The interaction went something like this.
Me: Hi. What can I help you with today?
Them: I am just looking for a computer that I can get online with. Something to just do email.
Me: Well that is a pretty basic system. Let me show you this model right here.
Them: Do you HAVE to buy that box thing? I thought you just needed the screen and something to type with.
Me: Yes. That box is what makes the computer go.
Them: Oh!
And then I had to ask them who they planned to use for internet service. Ah, I can still remember the puzzled looks on their faces.
In all fairness, there was an internet appliance that came out called WebTV for your television, but I did hear this sort of comment even before it was released. Plus, I would not have wished WebTV on anyone. That thing sucked.
I used to work for an ISP - some interesting calls there! I recall once speaking to a customer who had just bought a dialup modem (yes it was a while ago) and wanted help to get online. All good you'd think - except he didn't actually have a computer...
ReplyDeletelol...sounds pretty typical. I believe I have heard that one myself at least once.