Wednesday, July 13, 2011

To disconnect a cable from the rear of a computer, leave the obvious screws in place and pull as hard as you can until it comes free.

I wish I could make stuff like this up.

At the time I was working for a small tech shop and we had a woman come in and ask if we could look at her computer. She says she was having issues with the video, stating that the colors in the screen were out of whack.

She brings in the computer and the first thing we notice is the tangle of copper posts where the VGA connector SHOULD have been. When asked about this she said that she could not figure out a way to get the cable disconnected form the computer, so she decided to place both feet onto the back of it and pull as hard as she could until the cable came loose. The funny part was that she was not concerned with this mass of copper, belching from the back of her computer. She was still asking if we could fix the issues she saw on her screen.

When she was told that she had ruined a major component to her machine, she looked bewildered as to why that could be. She ended up having a cheap graphics card installed (she did not want to buy a mobo replacement due to cost) and ended up having to replace her monitor, which was the cause of the initial issue. One of the other techs removed the VGA port from the main board to avoid the copper from causing a short and she took it back home.

If ever you could revoke someone's right to own a computer...

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar incident when I brought our computer back home from a LAN party with friends back in High School. I didn't plug everything back in because I was so tired and it was like 8am and I hadn't slept. My brother proceeded to just jam the VGA plug into everything that looked like it might fit, bending every little pin in the plug. Then, when I woke up to people trying to use the computer, I was the one to blame for not getting it all setup for them to use, and the monitor obviously did not work. My dad took needle nose pliers and bent the pins back and the monitor did manage to work, though the color was off.
